Classes FAQs
For All Classes
Where is SCR Located?
We're conveniently located in Costa Mesa—655 Town Center Drive—across the street from South Coast Plaza.
Where are the classes held?
All classes are held in our state-of-the-art Education Center, reached through the building’s Stage Door. For more information, call (714) 708-5577.
What are your cancellation and refund policies?
Please see our policies here.
Kids and Teen Acting Classes
What is the pick-up and drop-off policy for students?
Students may be dropped off on the Stage Door side, located off Park Center Drive and Anton Boulevard. Assistants will be with the students 15 minutes before and 15 minutes after class. When picking up your child, bring your white parking ticket to an assistant who will validate for 30 minutes of free parking in the Westin South Coast Plaza hotel parking structure.
What should my child wear to class?
Students should wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing that will allow them to move freely; students must wear closed-toe shoes. Students with long hair should have it pulled back for class.
How many children in each class?
We accept approximately 14 students for Grades 3-6 classes and approximately 16 students in Grades 7-12 classes.
Can my child make-up a session if they miss a class?
Unfortunately, we do not have make-up sessions, and request no more than two absences for each 10-week session so the student will get the most out of the program.
Are parents allowed to watch the class?
You may observe with advanced notice, but your in-class time will be limited to 15 minutes. Our goal is to ensure an environment of greater focus on exploration and growth.
Can my child bring a friend to class?
Due to the nature of the work and our goal to create a safe environment, classes are only open to enrolled students. Friends and family are welcome to attend classroom demonstrations at the end of each 10-week session.
Which class should my child join if they have had previous acting experience?
All students new to SCR’s acting classes will be placed with their age group, in a YEAR I class. Upon request, a student with previous experience in another training program may be assessed for advanced placement by an interview and audition.
Will my child perform in a play?
Our program focuses on process over product. In the first two sessions—fall and winter—students will focus on actor training. In the spring, students will rehearse a performance piece and present it for friends and family on the last day of class. Rather than a fully produced performance, this is an opportunity for students to show what they have learned through rehearsal and performance of a short play. Students who decide to continue the program will have more opportunities to audition have more opportunities to audition for productions with public performance after.
Can my child be cast in A Christmas Carol?
Auditions for A Christmas Carol are by recommendation from a teacher or the Theatre Conservatory director. Students are eligible to audition if they are currently enrolled Conservatory students.
Adult Acting Classes
How many students are in each class?
A maximum of 18 students in the Acting and Improv classes, a maximum of 15 in the Camera and Playwriting classes.
Where do I park?
SCR does not own any of the surrounding parking structures. On the first night of class, we suggest you park in the Westin Hotel parking structure—located on the corner of Anton Boulevard and Park Center Drive. There is a fee to park. We will give you more detailed options at the beginning of the first class.
May I bring a friend/family member to class?
We do not allow guests in class. Our goal is to create an environment where students feel comfortable. Visitors and guests may be distracting or may make some students feel uncomfortable.
May I audit a class?
We do not allow auditing. We encourage you to enroll and give the class a try. If the class is not to your taste, you may contact the Conservatory Office about our partial refund policy. (714) 708-5510.
If I miss a class, may I do a make-up session?
We do not have make-up sessions. We understand that students have full lives and ask them to use their best judgment if they need to miss class. It is in the student’s best interest to miss no more than two classes in an 8-week session.
If I'm a registered student, is there space for me to rehearse?
We suggest you meet with other students on SCR's terrace for rehearsal, as all classrooms are in session day and night.
What is the average age of students?
Most students are in the 25-50 age group; however, we welcome students ages 18-to-80.