Support FAQs
Why does SCR ask for donations?
It would be great if we didn’t have to ask! The truth is that ticket sales alone do not cover the cost of running a nonprofit theatre and providing outstanding shows for our community. Each year, we need to raise about 35% of SCR’s total annual budget through donations. This allows us to keep tickets affordable and to ensure that our productions and educational programs are the highest quality.
How do you use my donation?
Donations serve a critical purpose in every department. Your support helps us hire world-class actors, buy materials to build the sets and costumes, commission new plays, produce educational materials about our shows and other community programs, and offer free performances that serve more than 18,000 Orange County children and students each year.
Is my SCR donation tax deductible?
Yes, your gift may qualify as a charitable donation. SCR is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, public benefit tax-exempt organization; our tax ID number is 95-6122708. We recommend that you consult with your tax professional about deductions.
What do I get for my donation?
SCR offers excellent benefits to its donors for various levels of giving to say thank you to our supporters.
What kind of donations do you accept?
We accept credit card donations, checks, cash and stock. To learn more about making a stock donation, call the Development office at (714) 708-5525 or email.
Do I have to pay all at one time?
No, donations over $300 may be split into partial payments, ranging from two installments to monthly installments.
How does a company’s matching gift program increase my membership level?
When your company matches all or a portion of your donation, it increases your total support. If you jump to the next membership level, you would be eligible for increased benefits. Consult your company's HR department about a matching gift program and double your impact!
What does VIP Ticket Services give me access to?
For donors at the Golden Circle level and above, SCR's VIP Ticket Services gives you access to the best seats in the house if you need to make ticket exchanges or purchase additional tickets. Simply call Steven Garry, Development Associate, at (714) 708-5060.
Do you have a planned giving program?
Yes, we have a planned giving program through SCR’s Heritage Circle. To learn more, call the Development office at (714) 708-5521 or email.
May I upgrade my giving level mid-year?
Yes. Many people do this and we welcome your decision to increase your giving level before your membership renewal date. And, when you upgrade, you may be entitled to upgraded benefits and recognition. Contact Steven Garry, Development Associate, at (714) 708-5560 or by email with any questions or for further details.
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Photo: Scott Ferrara and Richard Doyle in the 2020 production of Outside Mullingar by John Patrick Shanley. Photo by Jordan Kubat.