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Samples from The Lab@SCR

South Coast Repertory is thrilled to launch Samples from The Lab@SCR, which replaces SCR’s NewSCRipts program and provides more robust opportunities for artists and audiences to engage with new work in fresh, informal and intimate ways.

About Samples from The Lab@SCR

Samples from The Lab offers SCR audiences an exclusive sneak peek at the work being developed in The Lab@SCR, with several pop-up readings throughout the season. All Samples from The Lab readings will be casual, process-focused presentations that are free and open to the public.

Samples from The Lab@SCR events may include:
  • Developmental Readings of new plays commissioned or otherwise currently in process at SCR.
  • First Draft Readings of brand-new plays never before read aloud.
  • Happy Hour Readings, at which guests may enjoy light refreshments before a late-afternoon presentation.
  • New Musical Excerpts from composers under commission at SCR.
  • And More!

Most Samples from The Lab readings will be onsite at SCR in the 94-seat Nicholas Studio—although SCR will continue to partner with local universities to present occasional in-school readings.

Samples from The Lab readings will be scheduled and announced at various points throughout the season. Patrons interested in attending are encouraged to use this link to sign up for notifications of upcoming events.

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Photo: The cast of the 2024 Pacific Playwrights Festival reading of Fremont Ave. by Reggie D. White. Photo by Jenny Graham.

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