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Volunteer Usher Application

Join the SCR Volunteer Usher Team

Before filling out the form, please read our requirements.

Your agreement to abide by the usher guidelines will help to ensure that your personal safety and that of the patrons in the theatre will be protected. Please refer to the manual and read the agreement thoroughly so that you, the patron, and the theatre may experience a successful performance.

Must be at least 18 years of age to apply or age 16 and accompanied by a parent to volunteer.

Your Commitment

Fulfilling your scheduled dates in a professional manner ensures your satisfactory status as an usher. Canceling a scheduled date should be done as early as possible to allow SCR an opportunity to find replacements for teams that may have multiple cancellations – at least 48 hours’ notice is appreciated. All cancelled shifts must be rescheduled.

Canceling three times or more in a season without re-scheduling or reasonable explanation will prohibit you from ushering the following season. Ushers who have two or more No Shows per stage in a season will be ineligible for ushering the next season.

All ushers must volunteer for one TYA performance per season.

In General:

  • Please follow the guidelines established by SCR for dress code, arrival time, decorum, etc. as detailed in the Usher Manual.
  • Remember, while ushering at SCR, you are an “ambassador of the arts” and all comments to patrons and staff should be kept positive at all times.
  • Act professionally with patrons, fellow ushers, and House Management. Contact a House Manager if a potential conflict should arise.

SCR Management reserves the right to evaluate each usher’s performance according to the above guidelines. If any of those guidelines are not met, SCR Front of House Management reserves the right to discontinue that usher’s volunteer status.

You must also read this credit card acknowledgement and agree.

PCI Credit Card Acknowledgement

(This cannot be someone you are ushering with)


You must be willing to work a minimum of 4 shows within the season, including "A Christmas Carol." You will self-schedule on Volgistics to get your shifts. If you are planning on helping out more than the minimum, we appreciate it.


(See the last page of the packet for all of these dates.)

(these are scheduled by the FOHM based on usher interest)


I understand that the job descriptions in the Usher Manual are not exhaustive and merely serve as examples of typical responsibilities. I realize that I may be requested to perform lesser or greater tasks as the situation demands. I acknowledge that I have read and understand the job description to work as a volunteer usher for SCR. I further attest that I am donating my time to SCR for humanitarian reasons and, therefore, do not qualify for SCR Staff status nor am I compensated either monetarily or in-kind.

Signing this agreement indicates that I have read, understand, and agree to abide by the rules and guidelines described in the Usher Manual.


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